About - think bank albania

Think Bank Albania is a non-profit THINK-TANK Foundation focused on creating, promoting and developing of education, science, innovation and social entrepreneurship. TBA is designed to be the “original” think-tank Hub in our Nation’s ecosystem to support the human capital of Albanians through a novel mindset approach. Our goal is to increase the Nation’s brand reputation and to constantly improve our innovation position towards the annual Global Innovation Index. 

Think Bank Albania Foundation’s status

TBA Foundation is a non-profit organisation co-founded by a group of intellectuals, scientists inventors, innovators, according to the decision of the Court of Tirana no. 771 dated. 14.11.2019

Think Bank Albania represents a foundation that is investing in the development of social innovation initiatives in the country. It aims to be an accelerator of innovative ideas and efforts that use the best technology and resources to maximise the social impact for the benefit of the society. It designs programs and transfers know-how for the implementation of projects and initiatives that provide measurable and sustainable impacts on the lives of Albanians.

Governing & Executive Body

Think Bank Albania Foundation is headed by the Board of Directors, which is the highest decision-making body. It consists of 3 members.

Board of Directors:
  1. Andrea Papa – Chairman of the Board
  2. Marsela Luarasi – Board Director
  3. Maksimiljan Dhima – Board Director 

Executive Director of the Think Bank Albania Foundation is:   Endri Bahja

Chairman of the Board

Dr. Andrea Papa as inventor is the holder and co-holder of 23 patents granted by the different Patents and Trademarks Offices world wide which have firstly been filed with the Industrial Property Organization (OBI).

Board Director

Marsela Luarasi (PhD) is an accomplished economic researcher with an extensive experience in applied research and academia, focused in agrifood standards in international trade flows, trade market theory, analytical and empirical analysis based approach.

Board Director

Ing. Maksimiljan Dhima is an experienced Civil Engineering professional with a strong history of working across the civil engineering industry. Skilled in Government and feasibility Studies he is also an accomplished Disaster and Risk Management expert.

Executive Director

Endri Bahja (MBA) is a certified Strategic Innovation Technology Auditor & Manager and a certified Business Mentor for start-ups.He has directed the business development of organisations during periods of tremendous growth, and has a deep understanding of how business functions impact organisational change.

Our Vision

By developing the Intellectual Brand of Albania in the world we design the future of our Nation and we improve Albania’s Global Innovation Ranking Index. Making Albania an innovation emerald in the planet by choosing science for exploration, engineering for inventions, design for innovation, arts for expressive communication, and love for our planet. These are our ingredients for the best transformation of our lives.

Our Mission

Our long-term mission is to produce 100,000 innovations in Albania and to inspire millions of our global fellow citizens to use their Nation’s diaspora intellectual capital to innovate for a better tomorrow.   

TBA's Innovation Agenda

TBA recognizes the critical contribution that innovation plays in addressing business, economic, social impact and environmental challenges. TBA think-tank supports human capital who drive innovation and acts as a leverage for interaction on issues relating to innovation.  The TBA will continue to work with industry, education, government and public sector partners so as:

The Role of TBA Think-Tanks

Our think-tanks will play a fundamental role in shaping and developing innovative policy agendas for the society and its future. We mobilise expertise and put forward evidence. We approach for mutual innovative change and we build networks and communities through which we get developed and we spread ideas and catalyse action.

TBA foundation is organised in five respective think-tanks with their defined brands, slogans and logos that interwork well within the ecosystem:

TBA Architecture and Ecosystem

The ecosystem of TBA offers a large pool of services with products that include, physical and digital learning programs with a range of intellectual capital and assets, knowledge, experience, materials and resources to create, experiment thinkers and innovative human capital for a better understanding of scientific research and social innovation that improve cognitive life skills for all participants. We live in a competitive world in which science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation impact our economy, health, societal well-being and polices. Our scientists, engineers, innovators and educators provide the ideas and knowledge as a base for a better future leadership in science, innovation and social impact. Learning how people learn, while also supporting the best ideas of intellectual capital are the most essential goals in today’s changing world. 

Our institutional goodwill capital, the human capital and our innovation-driven services form the shape of our ecosystem.  The human capital of our think-tanks is not just an “conventional human capital model” but a global think-tank ecosystem of diverse human capital from academia and science to applied research and science, from students and professionals to researchers, from engineers and designers to inventors, from experts and advisors to investors, from masters and mentors to social entrepreneurs, from design thinkers and innovators to Industry4.0 and Industry5.0 shapers. 

TBA Institutional Capital

  Where we are currently present

  • Public Institutions
  • Economic Development Organizations
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • Research and Innovation Organizations
  • Science & Technology Parks
  • Incubators and Accelerators
  • Intellectual Property offices.
  • Technology Commercialization Offices
  • Innovations Development Funds
  • Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds
  • Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Organizations



TBA Human Capital

    Resources & Goodwill

  • Academics
  • Scientist
  • Applied Scientist
  • Researchers
  • Inventors
  • Innovator
  • Engineers
  • Design thinkers
  • Students
  • Experts
  • Advisers
  • Masters
  • Mentors
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Investors

Incubation and Acceleration Supporting Services
From Idea to Society

We offer incubation and acceleration services for every potential and promising individuals that want to scale up their innovative ideas and are willing to face the market. 

TBA Incubation Services

  What we are currently offering

✓ All the support to transform your idea into a social innovation impact,

✓ Professional consulting, mentoring and training,

✓ Design thinking, problem solving, innovative solutions

✓ Network members and contacts,

✓ Access to local and international network,

✓ Design, planning and marketing assistance

✓ Digital art expression end design communication

✓ Help with presentation skills

TBA Acceleration Services

  What we are currently doing

✓ Links to strategic partners

✓ Access to grants and development funds

✓ Access to early stage investor, angel investors or venture capital

✓ Management team identification and evaluation

✓ Intellectual asset protection

✓ Intellectual property management

✓ Technology commercialisation assistance

✓ Help with regulatory compliance

Send us your problems, and TBA will provide design thinkers, scientists, engineers, innovators and experts for the best solutions!  We are the only and biggest thinking Bank of Intellectual and Innovation Capital in the country focused in creating and extracting value from the human Intellect and from innovative ideas.

Note: All content developed by TBA is available under the Creative Commons Attribution License. In summary, this license lets anyone distribute, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as they credit TBA for the original creation. TBA information’s currently covers a high-quality of intellectual capital requirement and standards. 

TBA- From Invention to Innovation