Social innovations are new solutions (products, services, models, markets, processes etc.) that simultaneously meet a social need (more effectively than existing solutions) and lead to new or improved capabilities and relationships and better use of assets and resources. In other words, social innovations are both good for society and enhance society’s capacity to act. Social Innovation entrepreneurship is about making money by doing good. Here are some short recommendations based on best experiences.
- Act like a innovative social entrepreneur.
- Design your programs around the needs of your founders.
- Create a safe space for lean experimentation, failure, and learning.
- Be a facilitator and offer support where and when needed.
- Lead by example, no more and no less.
Plug founders into your local ecosystem and you will create more than just a successful support program. You will grow a living, breathing community of socially-conscious founders and supporters.
Are you a social innovator?
Welcome to the Social Co-Creation Lab
We are going to co-create with you step by step. This program is a personalized service, adapted to your needs.
There is a distinction between invention (developing ideas) and innovation (implementing and applying ideas).
The programs consist of several phases: From Ideas to Market
Idea Generation & Protection
✓ How to define and create a new idea.
✓ How to protect your idea
✓ How to drive your invention
✓ How to create an IP asset
✓ How to create a business model
Team-UP & Start-UP
✓ How to create a team
✓ How to define and design your idea or services
✓ How to estimate a business plan
✓ How to find early stage social investors
✓ How to build a low-cost functional prototype for product or service
✓ How to define final product or services
✓ How to define the domain, logo, brand, slogan and jingle
Winning Your Business
✓ How to wright the successful scenario
✓ How to get access to financing
✓ How to drive innovation
✓ How to commercialise your product or services
✓ How to globalise your product & services
✓ How to stay in the market for a long time
✓ How to reinvest the profits
Why Do Social Innovations Matter?
Social Innovation Brings Novelty
Example: Google Company
Social Innovation Meets Social Needs
Example: Blind Square Company
Social Innovation Puts Society into Action
Example: Sewage Systems in Brasil
Social Innovation Is Effective
Example: Causes Company
Where to Apply Social Innovation(s)?
Business Organisations
Example: Unilever Company
Governmental Entities
Example: Challenge.Gov
Education Organisations
Example: NEMESIS Project
Social Community Groups
Example: Code World Club
Are you a student, researcher or professional? Send us your problems and TBA with its think-tanks will provide academics, scientists, design thinkers, engineers, innovators and experts for the best solutions! We are the only and biggest thinking bank of Intellectual and Innovation Capital in the country focused in Creating and Extracting Value from the Intellectual Assets and Innovative Ideas. Be part of TBA think-tanks’ Ecosystem…
Note: All content developed by TBA is available under the Creative Commons Attribution License. In summary, this license lets anyone distribute, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as they credit TBA for the original creation. TBA information’s currently covers a high-quality of intellectual capital requirement and standards.