The link between public diplomacy and country image branding?

We are spreading the best institutional and professional goodwill in order to build our Brand Nation Value and promote our country’s intellectual image worldwide.

IBA – is the biggest think tank of top intellectual capital of Albanian Academics, Scientist and Innovators Worldwide.

Top Intellectual Capital of Albania Scientist and Innovators Worldwide.

“The future of our Nation without diaspora’s knowledge, experience and intellectual capital, will be like a painting with no background”.
Andrea Papa. Chairman of TBA Foundation. 

“Not many countries are lucky enough to be economically wealthy, yet virtually all are rich in intangible assets: almost every country on earth possesses a wide variety of cultural, historical, geographical, human and intellectual capital” –  governments, citizens and promotion agencies are involved in nation branding (even though they might not be aware of it or call it such).  Simon Anholt-GfK Nation Brands


Send us your problems, and our think-tanks will provide academics, scientists, design thinkers, engineers, innovators and experts for the best solutions! We are the only and biggest thinking bank of Intellectual and Innovation Capital in the country focused in creating and extracting value from the Intellectual Assets and Innovative Ideas. Be part of TBA think-tanks’ ecosystem… 

Note: All content developed by TBA is available under the Creative Commons Attribution License. In summary, this license lets anyone distribute, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as they credit TBA for the original creation. TBA information’s currently covers a high-quality of intellectual capital requirement and standards.