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General Welfare Index Project

Global General Welfare Index-GGWI
The Design, Development and Implementation of the World's First General Welfare Index. Made by the People, for the People.
Project Manager: Think Bank Albania Foundation
Dear Albanian and Global Fellows! Please kindly contribute with a donation for the development of the first Global General Welfare Index (GWFindex) measurement platform. This is a global and exclusive project of Think Bank Albania Foundation, led by our philosopher and engineer Mr. Spiro Haxhi, who is also the brand ambassador of our Foundation in USA. The estimated funds to design, develop and implement this project are $35,000 (thirty five thousands US Dollars only). You can support this initiative by donating any amount that you are comfortable with, either in our Foundation’s PayPal or in our Foundation’s bank transfer details below (WISE and BKT). Your names will be written in our golden donors’ list and you will be the first to receive feedback and use this platform. By supporting this project, you are helping your children’s future, for a more sustainable, better and healthier welfare quality of life.
1. Brief description and the current state of the project.
The World GWF Index is an innovation which synthesizes global indices such as: GDP Index; Human Development Index; Global Education Index; Global Health Index; Global Innovation Index; Intellectual Property Index; Economic Index, Industrial Index, World Happiness Index, etc. In doing so, it recalibrates the way that we value lives and livelihoods for a more sustainable future. GWF fills the gap of the lack of a wellbeing indicator in the current systems of GDP generally used by all countries of the world. In almost all the cases, the economic growth in reality only shows the growth of monetary wealth. When measured against the GWF, it becomes clear that the current approach hides the real trajectory of general welfare. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, environmental change, and technology innovation are already driving changes needed to the way we measure wellbeing in the world. During our simulation trials, it becomes clear that whilst monetary wealth shows an increase, the general welfare chart shows a decrease. This is a major cause for concern by global observers and decision-makers. Several groups and reports have concluded that GDP is dangerously inadequate as a measure of quality of life-including those reports published by OECD governments on measurement of Economic Performance. Think Bank Albania has devised a patented algorithm to track the GWF and this is ready for adoption by institutions, corporations, and organisations with an interest to re-boot and build a better business. The proposal is that the GWF serve as a universal governing tool to navigate, regulate and stimulate any business and organization individually and globally. GWF metric can be used as supporting point of the Archimedes’ lever to fundamentally improve the governing to build a better world.
2. Aims and Results
As we know, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an ambitious commitment by the world’s leaders to improve the wellbeing of all people and ensure environmental sustainability by 2030.
World General welfare Index offers a simple way for policymakers and world leaders to know and share on daily bases the wellbeing of the economy with world’s community. Based in the computing algorithm we know how well the world’s economy is doing any time. For example we can say that yesterday the economy was 0.000712194 better than a day before. Or the world’s economy is planned to improve with 0.0005000 well per day, or 0.182500000 well per year. The GWF project aims to successfully adapt in countries, cities and business communities of any kind and size, thanks to its ability to incorporate all indexes into one index.
The daily GWF will be universal tool for any leader and community to navigate, stimulate and regulate any business and organization to build a better world.
The GWF index will fundamentally improve individual-community relation by correlating benefits or consequences of individual’s action, with individual and communities GWF.
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