About - Albanian Student Capital
Our Future Intellectual Brand Albania
We empower and engage with the student’s capital to enhance the brand image of our nation destination.
We are focused on the current and graduated students. To the graduated students: we support them to design their future career destination for academia, applied research and social entrepreneurship. To the present students: we support them in their mentoring and internship engagements according to their vision, perspective of their career and current technological trends.
Dear Student! In our think tank 'Kiss the Future' you can find and meet your:
Albania Student Capital (ASC) uses its researching, communication and influencing tools to develop the best brands of Intellectual Student Capital in Albania! The network is made up of students from Albanian colleges and universities as well as Albanian students studying abroad. We represent nearly thousands of students, and strive for a future where everyone has a social digital home, with full services and networking. The ASC network also works with universities and colleges worldwide, scientist and experts to promote a new perspective of future education for the young generation in Albania.
Are you a student, researcher or professional? Send us your problems, and TBA with its think-tanks will provide academics, scientists, design thinkers, engineers, innovators and experts for the best solutions! We are the only and biggest thinking bank of Intellectual and Innovation Capital in the country focused in Creating and Extracting Value from the Intellectual Assets and Innovative Ideas. Be part of TBA think-tanks’ Ecosystem…
Note: All content developed by TBA is available under the Creative Commons Attribution License. In summary, this license lets anyone distribute, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as they credit TBA for the original creation. TBA information’s currently covers a high-quality of intellectual capital requirement and standards.